Children and TB: Exposing a Hidden Epidemic
ACTION (September 2011)
ACTION’s enlightening analysis of the link between the burden of tuberculosis (TB) and the world’s most vulnerable children — those who are malnourished, orphans, or living with HIV sheds light on a neglected epidemic. The report, Children and Tuberculosis: Exposing a Hidden Epidemic, is a reminder that TB is not a disease of the past and remains a leading killer, especially of children whose underdeveloped immune systems leave them particularly susceptible.
Children and TB: From Neglect to Action
ACTION (November 2012)
“200 children are dying of TB every day. Most people do not know this” — Desmond Tutu
Even though it’s preventable and treatable, tuberculosis (TB) is a top ten killer of children worldwide. ACTION’s second brief on children and TB issues recommendations for the international community and affected countries to combat this neglected epidemic. Since ACTION released its first Childhood TB brief in 2011, the global community has paid attention, but we need to keep the momentum going. Children are still misdiagnosed, unaccounted for, and lack access to appropriate pediatric TB drugs.
“The global TB epidemic is a disgrace. If we want to end TB as a killer of children, we need to do more than just talk, we must transform attention to this deadly disease into action,” said Kolleen Bouchane, ACTION Director.
Civil society, health care workers, the private sector, as well as both donor and high burden countries must break out of their silos and work together.
Download (Russian): Дети и туберкулез: от отсутствия достаточного внимания до действий