Our story
We envision a world of true health equity, where everyone has access to live a healthy life
ACTION, founded in 2004, is a partnership of 15 locally rooted, independent organizations supported by a Washington-based secretariat. We work together to increase resources and build political support for global health initiatives. Our core issues are tuberculosis (TB), the world’s leading infectious disease, and other diseases that impact people living in poverty; preventable childhood illness and death where immunization and RMNCAH strategies are underutilized; and undernutrition, an underlying cause of illness and barrier to full physical and mental development.
ACTION believes in the multiplier effect of individual and collective action to solve some of the world’s most intractable problems. Engaging parliamentarians and other policymakers throughout the partnership is a mainstay of our advocacy efforts. This was particularly robust in recent years with delegations dispatched to locations such as Indonesia, Cambodia, India, Liberia, Tanzania, and Madagascar by various partners. These relationships allow partners to adapt to changing political contexts and major shake-ups in government. Through our partnership and a network of advocates, we push the boundaries, and we make progress — one small victory at a time.
Our Ending the Epidemics Programming
ACTION’s advocacy focuses on protecting and increasing resources and improving policies and accountability to accelerate progress in the fight against HIV, TB, and malaria, with particular focus on TB.
The Global Fund
Global Health R&D
As equal partners, we create strategies that amplify individual efforts and strengthen collective impact
To achieve ACTION’s mission, we focus our advocacy on governments, the primary funders and drivers of health systems globally. We target the health issues where each partner’s efforts are most likely to drive meaningful change — the issues where changes in policies, approaches to implementation, or levels of financing could dramatically improve health equity.
ACTION has a track record of success in convening diverse stakeholders, mobilizing resources, and influencing both national and global policies and political priorities for global health. We have experience advancing South-North connected advocacy strategies, working through “inside/outside” channels to become trusted collaborators directly with policymakers while also raising key points in the media or with other external stakeholders, and shaping agendas based on the expertise and skills of both grassroots and high-level champions.